What No One Tells You About Marketing Your Personal Training Business
So you’ve learned how to become a personal trainer – the tough part is over, right? Not so fast! You’re now a business owner, which means you must learn how to make your personal training business stand out. The best way to do that? Well, it involves learning how to market your personal training business. Here are a few tips to help your business stand out from the personal training crowd.
Have an Online Presence
The internet is how people get information now, so having a presence on the World Wide Web is essential to your success. An essential step in marketing your business is to set up your own website.
I’m going to be direct – if you don’t have great content on your website, then there’s no point to having one. Quality content is really important to get potential clients interested in what you have to offer.
The content on your website helps to build your credibility and also provides value to visitors, plus great content will help your ranking in search engines and will drive traffic to your website. Cultivate your inner blogger and produce appealing content to bond with your audience. If writing isn’t your forte, there are plenty of freelance writers who specialize in health and fitness that can help.
Use Social Media
In the modern age, one of the keys to successful fitness marketing is to use social media platforms to promote your website and your fitness business. If you can build a presence that attracts followers on social media, then you’ll boost your chances of serving even more clients. It’s a great way to connect with people who require your expertise.
I also think it’s important for you to:
Aim for consistency – If you’re going to have a presence on social media, it must be consistent. That means you need to log in every single day and share.
Don’t go straight for the sale – Think of social media as a way to connect with people, not sell your business. Respond to questions and give value to your followers to inspire people to follow you and help you get your name out there.
Use the right platforms – Understand who your target audience is and where you’ll find them.
Social media is an excellent way to promote your personal training brand. If used correctly, it can help you to link up with more people and bring in clients.
Consider Bringing Professionals Onboard
Marketing your own business can take a lot of time. Once you’ve established a firm footing in the personal training business world, consider bringing in professional marketers to help you go even further with your business. Understand that bringing in someone to handle all this for you will allow you to focus on what you do best – personal training. I go more in-depth about the business side of your fitness business in my new book Your Fitness Career.
Opening a personal training business isn’t easy, but as personal trainers, we’re not strangers to hard work. Remember, starting this business isn’t simply about what you know about health and fitness, it’s about understanding how to market your business too. Fortunately, the business side of things can be learned. These tips should help get you off on the right foot!
Looking to become a successful personal trainer? Make it possible with my book. Your Fitness Career